Ultra Slim - Day 1

by - 04:39

Hello Lovelies! 

It's been a while! Lots has been happening, and I'll update you all very soon! 

But today's post is a sort of weightloss update post. It's my birthday in 4 weeks, and me and a few friends have planned a big night out! It's fancy dress too, so, I wanted to kick start my weightloss! 

I went into Tesco to buy Slimfast, but they didn't have any, and then my sister pointed out that they did there own version 'Ultra Slim'. So, seeing as it was on offer,  thought I'll give it a go. The plan is like the 3,2,1 plan on slimfast. 

3 x shakes or meal bars 
2 x healthy snacks 
1 x low calorie meal. 

 I've decided to do this for 2 weeks, alternating with slimming world. I weighed myself this morning, and have managed to maintain from when I was last at slimming world, which has made me happy! I will update every now and again, and maybe post some progress pictures as I go. You can also follow my journey on my Instagram loveemilyxox .

I've had one shake and snack so far, and I have to say, it's actually very nice! I have done Slimfast before, and didn't really take to the shakes that well, but on Ultra Slim, the shakes are more like smoothies and are really nice and fruity, which is lovely during this hot weather we've been having! 

So, here's to a new weightloss journey, I'll be sure to keep you updated!

Have any of you tried a 'Meal Replacement' diet? Did it work for you?

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