The Little Moments #1 || Lifestyle

by - 14:59

I recently decided to introduce a new feature on the blog. I was hoping to have started a bit earlier in the year, but better late than never!

I wanted to start sharing those small but wonderful moments in life, that in reality I need to start appreciating them more! Recently, I decided I wanted to take a new, more positive outlook on life, and this is one way in which I intend to do this! Every Sunday, I'll post about some of the 'little' moments. Seeing as I've missed a few weeks, this edition, is from the start of the year;

The 'Little Moments' this post include;

- Meeting baby Olivia! I mentioned before about Bex announcing she was pregnant last year, and in the early hours of Sunday 8th Janaury, this little beauty entered the world. I've already fallen in love with her and had lots of cuddles! Which also means, I got to spend some time with Bex's son Jack, who I adore! Bex and her little family never fail to make me smile!

- Family time. For christmas, I bought my dad the Watford edition of Monopoly (Massive Watford supporters in this household!). Spending time as a family, is something that I really needed, and has done me the world of good.

- New Year! I saw in the new year with some friends in a local night club. I really do feel lucky to have such amazing family and friends.

So there we have, just a few moments of 2017 so far, which I already cherish. 

I hope your 2017 is going well!

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  1. Awww such a lovely idea! Baby Olivia is so gorgeous, she's so perfect and beautiful :D I love your snaps! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara
    (lets follow each other on bloglovin or instagram)
